Uplanit delivers a wealth of benefits in control, efficiency and productivity.
- Increase customer service levels with
- Shortened lead times
- More accurate delivery promises
- Available to promise scenarios
- Reduction in work in progress reducing the value of work awaiting completion and delivery. This can amount to a substantial value where prolonged processes are involved.
- Reduced inventory levels for lean manufacturing. Control your production, control the purchasing and lead times of components and minimise your stock to reduce the value of your inventory.
- Improved visibility of work order status, this both helps minimise the time spent working out where in the process the work is currently and will clarify any issues and give greater accuracy in predicting accurate completion and delivery. Just ask yourself, do you currently know the status and progress of your work load? If not how long would it take to find out? How accurate would it be as this is a constantly changing environment?
- Real time work order status update, (SFDC option implemented) delivers up to the minute detail on all work load.
- Improved plant availability for maintenance, schedule down time for maintenance, see how this affects production and costs.
- Quick reaction times to unforeseen circumstances, manipulate the schedule when circumstances change. Proactively be able to offer alternatives and calculate the loss or additional requirement required to cater for the alteration.
- Easy to manage feasible production plans, visualise what you are working towards. Clarity and greater information allow you to effectively make the correct decisions.
- Be proactive, plan ahead and be able to deliver what if scenarios and available to promise scenarios on tentative projects. See how these impact on current thinking.
- Visibility of potential lateness of orders before it happens.
- Awareness of additional resource requirements, e.g. extra resource, extended hours, to fulfil your requirements.